Is your child being bullied at school or in the neighborhood? Have you tried all of the ideas and lessons from the “anti-bullying” courses that keep popping up these days, and none of it seems to work? Maybe it’s time you tried something that has been working for as long as bullying has been around. I mean the martial arts for kids.

This article offers 4 martial arts lessons that every student learns very early on – lessons that are proven to stop bullying, or at least reduce its effects on your child. And, contrary to popular belief, these benefits of martial arts training for children or adults, have nothing to do with fighting – but everything to do with self-protection.

A good, solid martial arts program for kids includes lessons that go beyond punching, blocking, and physical self-defense techniques.  Instructors also teach life lessons that are critical to a child becoming successful in whatever they choose to do in life.

In addition to martial arts lessons like respect, self-discipline, focus, and concentration; programs like those here at Warrior Concepts Black Belt & Life Mastery Academy help children not only build, but also display a high level of self-esteem, a sense of personal value, and unshakeable self confidence – the very things that deter most bullies and those looking for an easy target of aggression.

A few of the signs of someone, child or adult, who possesses rock-solid confidence and a high degree of self-esteem and positive self-worth include:

1) Standing up straight – Very rarely will you see someone who is a leader – who is confident, happy, and directed – walking around with their head hung down, shoulders slouched, or dragging his or her feet. Human beings inherently show more respect toward those who are taller, and who carry themselves with a sense of direction and purpose. If you want your child to change how bullies (or anyone for that matter) see them…

Have them stand up straight.

2) Speak slowly and clearly – Another hallmark of the leader – of the person in command of their world – is that they speak using a slower pace. Each word is spoken clearly so as to be understood, but not so slowly as to sound incompetent or lazy. If you want your child to drop off of the bully’s “radar,” make him or her speak more clearly, with greater volume, and avoid mumbling or mouse-like speech!

3) Make eye-contact – Nothing says, “I’m in control and unafraid,” like making eye-contact with another human being. This doesn’t mean to stare the other person down. It means to be connected and tuned in. You don’t have to be a psychologist, or a human behavioral specialist to know that we translate non-verbal communication queues on a very subconscious and unconscious level. And, the child who averts eye-contact, quickly breaks eye contact or, worse yet – looks down – will be easy prey to the predator looking for these signs of weakness.

This, like any new skill, will take time to master. But, if you want your child to command more respect from others, without being a bully as-well…

Teach them to make eye-contact with others!

If you’re interested, Warrior Concepts has a great resource called, “Child Safety 24/7,” which includes among other insights, a list of “12 Ways to Beat the Bully WITHOUT Fighting.” You can use it to help your child to add more tools to their arsenal beyond merely avoiding the bully, telling someone, or any of the other conventional lessons taught that may or may not work in any given situation.  You can download “Child Safety 24/7” free at:

4) Learn Martial Arts – The fact is that, regardless of whether or not we want our children to learn to “fight,” there are certain bullies who simply will not stop at name-calling and verbal attacks. And, there is something very powerful and preventative that happens when others find out that you “know karate.” Finding a solid, professional martial arts program like we have here at Warrior Concepts – one that balances self-defense lessons and the important life skills of respect, confidence, discipline, and positive self-worth – and seeing your child transform from someone meek and meager into a power, productive, and positive leader that others can depend on…

… is worth a hundred times whatever the program costs in dollars and cents!

If you’re ready to get real answers to a very real problem, read my new book on “How to Really Bully-Proof Your Child!”. It’s available as a free download at



Jeffrey M. Miller SPS, DTI is an internationally-recognized self-protection, safety, and personal development expert. He is the founder and Master Instructor of Warrior Concepts Black Belt & Life Mastery Academy in Selinsgrove, Pa.  He has designed unique child-safety programs on the subjects of bully prevention, youth development, strong kid – safe kid, and abduction escape for such organizations as Kiwanis and the Girl Scouts of America. For information about how he can help your child or child’s organization, you can contact him through his Academy office at: (570) 884-1118.

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