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Register Now for this Life-Saving Course

Learn Proven, Time-Tested Skills and Strategies to Protect Yourself from a Bigger, Stronger Attacker... Even If You've Never Taken a Martial Arts or Self-Defense Class in Your Life!

Specifically Designed for Concerned Women & Mothers of Teen Girls Soon to Be Moving Out on Their Own!

GREAT NEWS!... Due to conditions beyond our control, we had to roll the start date for this empowering program back 1 week... giving you time to enroll if you haven't already locked in your spot!


You missed out!

Why Attend?

Look, the reality is that danger exists and could come at you any time.  There is no lifestyle, age, or financial bracket that makes anyone immune to violence, and no amount of believing otherwise or ignoring this fact will change the nature of reality.

And, if you're depending on the police or someone else to do the work, or taking responsibility for your safety... that's not the way things work. It's highly unlikely that even your father, husband or boyfriend is with you 24 hours a day... assuming that they know how to effectively defend themselves or someone else... is highly unlikely.

It's NOT The Job of the Police to Protect You!

As for the police, considering that the average response time of police in our area is 8 - 13 minutes before they get to you (IF they're not already tied up on another case), and the average self-defense situation is over in 2 - 10 SECONDS... the responsibility for our personal safety in the moment we're actually being attacked rests with each and every one of us, individually.  This is not opinion... it's be ruled on by the U.S. Supreme Court many times (it's not the job of the police to protect individual citizens... but to protect the public-at-large!)

And, no amount of report-writing or chasing down the perpetrator after the fact is going to make the pain, injuries, scars, or trauma go away... the damage will have been done.  So...

If you're a professional woman or a college girl looking to be more safe, a concerned parent who wants to give your daughter the ability to protect herself in this often dangerous world; or someone responsible for keeping a wife, sister, or friend safe from harm, the "Ladies' Night Out!" 4-week women's self-defense program, designed and created by former federal police officer, bodyguard, and master-instructor of Warrior Concepts Black Belt Academy, Jeffrey M. Miller SPS, DTI is the answer to laying a proper foundation in being able to effectively protect yourself or a loved-one from a real-world physical assault... or worse!

This unique program will give you the critical lessons and skills you need to feel more safe, be prepared, and have more peace of mind in knowing that you'll have the knowledge and skills to protect yourself should you need to in this often unsafe world.

"I signed up for classes with Mr. Miller but wasn't scheduled to start until the following week.  I asked him, almost jokingly about what I could do in the meantime, just in case something happened.  What he told me seemed too simple but, when I was jumped on my home from a friend's house just two days later, and in broad daylight... I did exactly what he said.  I felt so empowered when I sent my would-be attacker running down the road, leaving the bike he was riding before attacking me behind for the police as evidence!"  You can imagine how much more confident, ready, and prepared I was AFTER I actually took the course!

I absolutely recommend that anyone who has a chance to learn from Mr. Miller to do it.  You won't regret it!"  -- Bonnie Snyder, Former Student

Class Outlines


Each class in this life-saving and empowering program focuses on a different aspect of women's self-defense, and the most common attacks you're likely to face.  No "karate" attacks or unrealistic defenses that require you to be evenly matched, a female body-builder, or a martial arts black belt... just PROVEN & TIME-TESTED techniques and lessons THAT WORK!

Women practicing self-defense in Selinsgrove Pa



During your very first class you will learn the 8 Phases of a Strategic Self-Defense Response & Training model that Mr. Miller gives to every student, client, and corporate workplace violence employee to understand the full scope of self-defense and why physical skills are not your only option! You will also be guided through an understanding about "strength ratios" between men and women's bodies, why women's self-defense CANNOT BE THE SAME as the general self-defense lessons and skills taught to a man... and you'll learn no less than 4 ways to avoid an incoming slap, strike, or attempted grab!



During this class you will learn how to escape from different types of grabbing and restraining attacks.  Through the power of leverage and exploiting the weak points within the human body, you will learn how to overcome greater strength, as well as how and where to target your defensive strikes and other skills to escape from a bigger, stronger male attacker.  We'll also cover why the common and all to popular, "I'll just kick him in the groin" tactic can actually backfire against you and put you in more danger than you were before you used it!

Class #3


During this class you will learn how to escape from statistically proven, critical, but also uncomfortable positions that women like yourself find themselves in FAR MORE OFTEN than men. Here you will be introduced to the principles and concepts of not only dealing with an attacker who is bigger or stronger, but also from a position that puts you at the greatest disadvantage and greatest vulnerability.  But, as you'll learn, this is where you must not only KNOW how to do things differently, but you must be able to understand how to apply everything learned to this point more strategically and counter-intuitively if you are to be successful.  This is where this program differs from most... giving you the ability to overcome and win against overwhelming odds, without having to be bigger, stronger, or any of the other things most systems are based on.

Class #4


During this final class you will not only review all that you've learned through the course, but you will also be introduced to the idea of using everyday items to aid in your defense.  You will receive and be given some basic techniques for using a "Self-Defense Keychain Weapon" and learning the power of what are conventionally known as "force amplifiers" - items which can allow you to do more with what you have, and increase your chances of surviving and walking away from a violent attack!

Each of these classes is a mini course in and of itself.  But, together, they give you the ability to:

  • Successfully defend against and escape from the most common attacks women are forced to deal with
  • Use your size, weight, and even weaker position in a way that actually wins against a bigger, faster, and determined attacker
  • Understand the full scope of women's self-defense to make yourself MORE SAFE, BETTER PREPARED, and to give you the PEACE OF MIND to know how to be more safe and secure in this often unsafe world!

For High School-Aged and College Girls, Professionals, and All Concerned Women Looking to Be More Safe and Danger-Free

What You Get When You Enroll In This Program...

Group of women practicing self-defense in Selinsgrove, Pa
  • 4 90-Minute Group Classes
  • 4 Class Recordings for Future Study & Practice
  • Special Student Training Workbook
  • Certificate of Training
  • Self-Defense Keychain Weapon

JUST $125

  • $600 value
  • $297 value
  • $   47 value
  •     priceless
  • $    17 value

Total Value: $961

About Your Instructor

Jeffrey M. Miller SPS, DTI Self Defense Expert

Jeffrey Miller SPS, DTI


Mr. Miller is the author or co-author of 6 books, including "For Women Only!" and "The Karate Myth," the Danger Prevention Tactics video, and the creator of the EDR: Non-Martial Arts Defense System.  He is a senior martial arts teacher and and workplace violence and emergency management consultant who has presented at conferences both here in the United States and abroad, as well as helped such high profile organizations like UPS, Stephen F. Austin University, Geisinger Medical Center, and Nissan North America keep their people safe against violence, conflict, and other dangers to health and wellness.

He has created women's safety and wellness programs for the Girl Scouts of America, Sunbury Community Hospital, and others in need of solid, proven, real-world self-protection training.

Reserve Your Spot Now

Register Now for this Life-Saving Course

Learn Proven, Time-Tested Skills and Strategies to Protect Yourself from a Bigger, Stronger Attacker... Even If You've Never Taken a Martial Arts or Self-Defense Class in Your Life!

Register Now.  Space and Time is Limited.


You missed out!