Warrior Concepts Black Belt Academy

Prospective Student



Please click on each introductory trial student program resource below to open and download it:

Choose Your WCI Program Brochure

See what training at WCI can do for you or your child.  The program brochure is the place to start!

WCI Academy's Regular Class Schedule

WCI has a full slate of classes suitable for just about everyone!  Download to see what will work for you!

New Student Application & Waiver

Please take a few moments to print out and complete these forms before coming in for your first Introductory Trial Class.

New Student Information & Training Packet

Use this guide to see what you'll be learning, and get helpful information about training here at the Academy!

The 3-Part Student Creed for Success

The student focused on successful attainment of their Black Belt, or any worthwhile goal in life MUST have these!

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Join others just like you who are looking to gain the benefits of the martial arts - greater confidence, discipline, etc